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Agave API supports HTTP headers in both requests and responses.

Request Headers

Agave API uses HTTP request headers to authorize and configure API requests:

Header"Link Token" RequestsAll Other RequestsDescription
API-VersionRequiredRequiredThe API Version you are using.
The current version is "2021-11-21".
Client-IdRequiredRequiredYour Client Identifier, which is always a 36-character UUID.
Email if you need one.
Client-SecretRequiredRequiredYour Client Secret, which is a 40-character string.
Email if you need one.
Account-TokenNot ApplicableRequiredThe unique Account Token associated with your User.
Project-IdNot ApplicableOptionalFor Construction Project Management and Field Services source systems, you need to provide this header with an Agave-provided Project UUID to let us know which project should be used.
Some endpoints support Project-Id: * to return all project-level records globally.
Company-IdNot ApplicableOptionalIf the user has granted you cross-company access, you need to provide this header with an Agave-provided Company UUID to let us know which company should be used. To get the list of companies, use the /link/companies endpoint. To require cross-company access in Agave Link, see here.
Include-Source-DataNot ApplicableOptionalIf set to true, Agave API will include the raw data from the Source System. You can also pass in a comma-delimited list of fields to limit what is returned (example: source_field_1,source_field_2,source_field_3). Learn More. Default value: false.
Include-Source-Data-PathNot ApplicableOptionalIf set to true, the source_data object will include a path key which is either the API path, or the raw SQL query executed to fetch the data. Default value: true.
Exclude-Source-DataNot ApplicableOptionalYou can use this header to specify a list of fields that want Agave to exclude from the Source Data (example: BankAcct,RoutingId). Learn More.
Async-RequestNot ApplicableOptionalIf set to true, the request will be processed asynchronously by Agave. You will get an immediate 202 Accepted response, with a Agave-Async-Request-Id header value that can be used to periodically poll Agave for the results. Learn More. Learn More. Default value: false.
Ignore-Prohibited-FieldsNot ApplicableOptionalIf set to true, Agave API will not return an error when you pass a prohibited field during CREATE or UPDATE operations (for example, passing a field that the source system does not support). Default value: false.
SessionNot ApplicableOptionalPrimarily for front-end single-page applications, the Session header can be sent instead of Client-Id, Client-Secret, and Account-Token. Learn more.
If-None-MatchNot ApplicableOptionalWhen downloading files through our Storage Proxy, an ETag response header is returned. You can use it as the value of If-None-Match request header in subsequent calls to avoid downloading the same file again.

Example "Link Token" request:

curl --head \
--header 'API-Version: 2021-11-21' \
--header 'Client-Id: 53b2b9cb-9828-5197-8fe8-ed91f623b135' \
--header 'Client-Secret: FwRIpg6ezHuGBOMFxT30suIbkkHtAq67BQWpLTeN'

Example non-"Link Token" request:

curl --head \
--header 'API-Version: 2021-11-21' \
--header 'Client-Id: 53b2b9cb-9828-5197-8fe8-ed91f623b135' \
--header 'Client-Secret: FwRIpg6ezHuGBOMFxT30suIbkkHtAq67BQWpLTeN' \
--header 'Account-Token: 2FwppFrITHMpt3F7vfNQmJw7xYymcQ3tdXw6Uk0n'

Example request with a Link Session:

const axios = require('axios');
headers: {
'API-Version': '2021-11-21',
'Session': '22u2760J7I7eIQiCFcnAMIRyJi3edRKaHs9yei2R'

Response Headers

Agave API will return the following response headers for all API requests:

Agave-Request-IdEach response has a unique request identifier. If you need our help troubleshooting a specific request, providing us with the request identifier will ensure the fastest possible resolution.
Agave-Data-Retrieved-AtThe date/time in ISO-8601 format that the data was retrieved from the Source System.
Agave-WarningsSometimes, our application encounters non-critical issues with processing your request. We will indicate any such warnings as a header to help you with debugging. Example: 'Content-Type' header changed from 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' to 'application/json'.
Agave-RateLimit-TotalThe number of requests allowed in a 60-second window. See rate limits for more info.
Agave-RateLimit-RemainingThe number of requests remaining in a 60-second window before returning a 429 error. See Rate Limits for more info.
\{SourceSystem\}-RateLimit-TotalThe total number of requests that can be made to the Source System until rate limits reset, which is typically 60 seconds.
\{SourceSystem\}-RateLimit-RemainingThe remaining number of requests that can be made to the Source System until rate limits reset.
\{SourceSystem\}-RateLimit-ResetsAtTimestampThe UNIX timestamp at which point Source System rate limits will reset.
Agave-Async-Request-IdIf this is an Async Request, this header will include an Agave-generated UUID that you can use with the /async-requests/{id} endpoint to retrieve the results.
Agave-Async-Request-StateThe state of an Async Request. Possible values are pending, running, executed, and failure.
Agave-Async-Request-Started-AtThe timestamp showing when an Async Request was started.
Agave-Async-Request-Finished-AtThe timestamp showing when an Async Request finished executing.
Agave-Async-Request-Expires-AtThe timestamp showing when an Async Request will expire. You will not be able to retrieve the results of that Request after this time.
ETagThis header is only set when downloading files through our Storage Proxy. You can use it as the value of If-None-Match request header in subsequent calls to avoid downloading the same file again.

Example response headers for the request in the above section:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: no-cache, private
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2022 21:47:18 GMT
Agave-Request-Id: 7ab5f180b096390c1e9b253f4ff7a8c5
Agave-Data-Retrieved-At: Mon Jan 03 2022 21:47:18 GMT+0000
Agave-RateLimit-Total: 600
Agave-RateLimit-Remaining: 598
Procore-RateLimit-Total: 3600
Procore-RateLimit-Remaining: 3561
Procore-RateLimit-ResetsAtTimestamp: 1681282869
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff