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Foundation Authentication

Step 1: Determine Hosting Option

First, confirm with your customer if their Foundation instance is hosted on-premises or hosted by Foundation. Most customer instances are hosted by Foundation.

Then, follow the steps below based on the hosting option.

Step 2a: Request IP White-listing (On-Prem Only)

If your customer is using an on-premise Foundation instance, you will need to request that their IT team whitelist Agave's static IPs:


This allows our servers to communicate with the Foundation database hosted on the customer's network.


If you run are unable to authenticate with Agave Link even after adding the above static IP addresses, we recommend following our guide on troubleshooting common issues with on-premise connections.

Then, follow the steps in 2b and ask the customer to give your SQL user permission to perform read and write operations to the required tables.

Step 2b: Request Foundation Enable Writes to Pending tables (Foundation-Hosted and On-Prem)


If you do not need to write data to Foundation using Agave API, you can skip this step.

If you intend to write data back to Foundation (e.g., for Purchase Orders, Customers), you will need to request permission from the Foundation team to whitelist a database name and user for specific tables or stored procedures.

For your reference, here are the endpoints which you can write data to in Foundation:

Agave EndpointFoundation Tables or Stored Procedure
AR Invoicesar_invoice, ar_invoice_gl, sp_GetNextNumber
Change Orderspending_po_sync_header, pending_po_sync_detail
Purchase Orderspending_po_sync_header, pending_po_sync_detail
Subcontractspending_po_sync_header, pending_po_sync_detail
Timecard Entriespending_timecards

Here is a draft email you can send to Foundation Support. Alternatively, you can request contact Foundation on your behalf with this info:

Hello - would you be able to whitelist the following Foundation Database and User to allow writing data to the following tables/stored procedures?

  1. Database: {add your Foundation database name here}
  2. User: {add your username here}
  3. Tables/Stored Procedures: {e.g. pending_po_sync_header, pending_po_sync_detail, sp_insert_update_customers}

You need to create a decidated user for Agave for security reasons.

To authenticate a user with Foundation using Agave Link, you will need the following information:

  • Hostname: this is the hostname of the Foundation database. For hosted Foundation instances, input "".
  • Port: this is the port that enables Agave to communicate with the Foundation Database. Note, this should always default to 9000.
  • Database: this is the name of the Foundation database.
  • Username: the username must be for a registered Foundation User. For instructions on how to create a User, see below.
  • Password: this is the password for the registered Foundation User.

If you run into issues connecting after attempting to authenticate with Agave Link, we recommend following our guide on how to troubleshoot common issues with on-premise connections.